Understanding Business Law


Understanding Business Law with Archangel Law Group’s Attorneys Steve Green, JD and Christian Blank, JD As a business owner, you are probably aware of the many legal issues that may arise when running your enterprise. Whether you are an entrepreneur starting a new venture or an established business founder, it is essential to have the … Read more

The Benefits of Trusts: Understanding Legal Protection and Flexibility


The Benefits of Trusts: Understanding Legal Protection and Flexibility When it comes to managing wealth and assets, a trust can be a powerful tool. A trust is a legal relationship between a settlor, beneficiaries, and a trustee. It gives the trustee the right to hold the title to property or assets for the benefit of … Read more

The Top 10 Questions to ask a Divorce Lawyer in Virginia

Broken heart cut out on a wooden table to show Questions to ask a Divorce Lawyer

Do you have questions to ask a divorce lawyer? As divorce attorneys in Virginia, we find most people ask the same top 10 questions, so we thought it would be helpful to give you the answers. This way, you can understand the process a little better. Deciding to end a marriage is a big decision and the unknown can sometimes be scary. Going through a divorce can leave you feeling nervous and uncertain. Yet, we find that the more you know, the better you’ll feel moving forward. Just remember, you’re not alone.

The Top 5 Types of Civil Litigation Cases

Person in a wheel chair showing a type of civil litigation case

Let’s talk about the top 5 types of civil litigation cases and how you can protect yourself. To start, what is civil litigation, and what makes it different from criminal cases? Civil litigation is the legal process used to resolve civil disputes. These are disputes that don’t involve criminal allegations. They could involve anything from car accidents to breaches of contract.

The Top Construction Contract Disputes Faced by Contractors

Construction Contract Dispute and Resolution puzzle held in a man's hands

As a contractor, you’ve probably faced construction contract disputes. You’re in a complex business that includes many people and details. It’s not just you and the home or landowner. You have subcontractors, architects, and vendors that play a role in the project’s completion. There are materials, dates, and costs. A construction contract helps cover all of the details.

How can a Legal Subscription Service Plan Benefit Your Small Business?

A Legal Subscription Service Plan, also known as a General Counsel Plan, can provide legal services for your business at an affordable price. You may be thinking, how can it help and why would I need it? First ask yourself, have you ever spent money to hire a lawyer in an emergency? What about when you started your company? Did you set it up the right way so you and your company are protected? Do you use contracts in your business? These and many other questions point to the need for experienced legal counsel. But can you afford it? Can you afford not to?

8 Legal Steps to set up a New Business

Graphic to set up a new business showing a hand writing intellectual property and other elements needed

When you set up a new business, it’s important to know the legal steps involved. The laws associated with launching a new business vary by state and can be complex. In Virginia, new business owners must pick a unique name, apply for Virginia licenses and more. Business law can be tricky, so it’s always a good idea to work with an attorney licensed in your state.

Help! I’m being Sued!

The word Lawsuit spelled out in blocks for being Sued

So, you’ve been sued. Someone thinks you have done something wrong, and they have hired a lawyer. You have in your hands a complaint and summons, and you’re trying to figure out what to do next. This can be a scary prospect, and it’s definitely not like in the movies. Take a deep breath and know that we are here to help. We’ve made a list of steps you should take if you are being sued. It’s important that you proceed with caution to protect your legal rights.

5 Things Everyone should Ask before Buying a Home

Model of a white and red house on top of blueprints and house keys

Are you getting ready to buy a home? We can help! Our law firm has put together a list of five things every potential homebuyer should know but may not think to ask. Buying a home is exciting. But at the same time, it is a large purchase that involves legal documents! Before you commit to a new home, there are many questions you should ask about the property. Doing so can help you avoid fraud and potential legal complication. It is also important to know as much as you can about your future home before making a major financial decision. If there is any doubt about the home or process, we recommend you contact an attorney.

Do I need a Will?

Last Will and Testament with pen and paper clips on the Arch Angel Law Group blog Do I need a Will

The answer to your question, Do I need a Will, is yes! Anyone over the age of 18 who doesn’t want to leave their loved ones a mess to handle while they are grieving needs a Will. A Will is a legal document that lays out what happens to your assets and any minor children after you have passed away. Who will care for them? What happens to your money? Your house? We know it’s not a subject that people want to discuss. The thought of not being around is scary and depressing, but it’s important to have your wishes carried out. You don’t want to leave it up to your state to decide.