The Top 5 Types of Civil Litigation Cases

Person in a wheel chair showing a type of civil litigation case

Let’s talk about the top 5 types of civil litigation cases and how you can protect yourself. To start, what is civil litigation, and what makes it different from criminal cases? Civil litigation is the legal process used to resolve civil disputes. These are disputes that don’t involve criminal allegations. They could involve anything from car accidents to breaches of contract.

Help! I’m being Sued!

The word Lawsuit spelled out in blocks for being Sued

So, you’ve been sued. Someone thinks you have done something wrong, and they have hired a lawyer. You have in your hands a complaint and summons, and you’re trying to figure out what to do next. This can be a scary prospect, and it’s definitely not like in the movies. Take a deep breath and know that we are here to help. We’ve made a list of steps you should take if you are being sued. It’s important that you proceed with caution to protect your legal rights.